
Membership Level change

You have selected the Full membership level.

Full membership is open to any person who is or has been professionally engaged with oncology, or with any allied science.
Full members are entitled to a discount to all Society meetings and to a reduction of Tumor Biology publishing fee. The annual fee is currently Euro 0,-.

The price for membership is €0.00 now.

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Privacy Policy

  1. Data collection and privacy policy.
    I agree with the data protection policy. In short, this policy assures all my personal data is collected and stored within the system for a limited and minimal amount of time as required by law and in accordance with accounting standards and tax legislature. My data is collected solely for the purposes of managing my participation at the event I am registering for, and for rendition of services associated with this participation (accommodation, transfers, other services).
  2. Communication policy
    I agree to receiving automated system messages (by email or sms) relevant to my registration. I also allow the ISOBM to contact me should this be necessary for ensuring a successful registration and rendition of selected services.
  3. Data sharing policy
    I agree to having a subset of my personal data collected via this registration form forwarded to International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers. Only the minimal possible set of personal data will be forwarded.
  4. Opt-in consent to receiving messages.
    I agree to having my contact details (email and/or phone) forwarded to the International Society of Oncology and Biomarkers together with my title, name, and last name, for the purposes of providing an easier means of communicating with me in future. Such communication may include notifications and invitations to future events organised by the ISOBM.
  5. Opt-in consent to receiving messages of commercial nature.
    I agree to having my contact details (such as email and/or phone) shared with companies associated with the ISOBM (such as members, sponsors and exhibitors) for the purposes of direct marketing.